being a mommy · educational choices · Little Man · parents day out · SAHM stuff


Little Man starts “school” one week from tomorrow. It’s a parents’ day out program at a local church, and it will only be one day a week for a few hours.

This was a tough decision for me (not so much for Keith). Again, a few hours one day a week….why the angst?

I realized on Friday what the angst is. I know a number of stay at home moms that would rather not. They look for every opportunity to pawn off their children to someone else. And even though it isn’t 100% the case, I associate sending a two year old to “school” with such thinking.

I want to homeschool (unless God calls me otherwise). I want to cherish every.single.second with my son (what if he is our only). So, originally, in my mind, sending him to play with other kids a few hours a week was the antithesis of these things. It was like I was failing in my mothering. No, in y desire to mother.

(even though I hired my 14 year old cousin to watch him for an equivalent amount of time each week this summer…)

But I think this will be a very good thing. He will get to play with other kids, learn Bible stories, do art, and, play on the playground, among other things. I will get to run errands without a whiny kiddo (which isn’t fair or fun for either of us), have lunch with my BFF, and work on the class I’ll be teaching at church this fall. A very wise friend promised me it would be good for both of us.

(and if he hates it, we can pull him out…)

Today he picked out a Mario Kart backpack and lunch box, and I found cute little containers to put his food in. Tomorrow we meet his teacher and see his classroom.

Now…to convince him he is NOT going to first grade like his friend A…

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

One thought on “School

  1. I struggled with sending R to that summer preschool program at first, since I want to homeschool, too. Plus I don't like paying for him to go play when we have other friends he could be playing with for free, you know? It came along at the right time, though, and I REALLY needed it. One day a week for—what?—three hours? That's not pawning him off. It'll be great for both of you! 🙂


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