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Simply Saturday

Whew! What a week of ups and downs.

Ups: House is clean & baby-ready, family is baby-ready, lots of great naps and snuggle time with the pupsters, hubby got a full week of work in (read: $$$), lots of good books read, homecooked meals, warm house.

Downs: friend diagnosed with breast cancer, friend’s mother passed away, friend of a friend gave birth to a DS baby (just a shock, really, not life-shattering), no phone call to go to the hospital.

Today I slept in until almost 11 am. Hubby & I ran errands, had lunch at Para.dise Bakery (if you’ve never been there and you like cookies – RUN to your nearst store!!), visited with my dad & step-mom, hit the grocery store (really thought I’d be eating other people’s cooking by this point! LOL!) and hung out at home. I cooked a bunch of chicken (which I then freeze for quick & easy meals whenever I don’t really want to cook). I clipped a TON of coupons (love having 2 local newspapers). Hubby is watching football (snooze) and I’m blogging away.
It’s been a very simple day. And I am grateful for that!!!!

3 thoughts on “Simply Saturday

  1. Hey, I got up at eleven, too! That wasn't my plan…

    You're doing a good job staying busy…I'm starting to run out of options. I think I'll clean some more and then I like your cooking ahead idea!

    I'm right there with you…trying to enjoy the few simple days we have left, and looking forward to some baby chaos!:)


  2. I just found your blog and am so excited for you! I would be on pins and needles too, waiting for the baby to be born.

    I read back a couple of posts and saw the nursery. Cute. Also, we have a dog named Lucy!

    Can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!!


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