birth mother · nursery · real life friends


I’m keeping busy with cleaning, napping, journaling and checking my phone every 3 minutes to see if I’ve missed a call 🙂

I don’t know about you other ladies, but thinking that I’m going to be a mommy in the next 10 days (and that’s stretching it out for my own peace of mind) is very surreal. I keep wondering if this is the last time we’ll fill-in-the-blank before we are parents. Very odd.

Anyway…since many of you (okay, like 3, but still…) have asked…pictures of our nursery. Disclaimer: we live in a very tiny 100+ year old house and I hate the carpet…but until we can afford new, I’m just grateful we have carpet!!

View from our bedroom into the nursery. There’s actually no door – just a doorway. We may hang a curtain or something to separate the spaces.
The rocking chair was my grandmother’s. The dresser was our c.raigslis.t find. My mom repainted it and I picked out the hardware. The white blanket is from the woman who made my wedding dress! Oh, and when I showed S this picture, she wanted to make sure we knew not to sit on the bppy pillow 🙂
The closed door is our bathroom. The open doorway shows our bedroom (perpetually a mess!). And of course Lucy had to get into a picture 🙂
Our other clist find: an armoire. Mom also finished it and I picked out the hardware. The stickers & hamper are from the nursery set we picked out.
After our newborn ed class, we decided against the whole bedding set. The nurse convinced me our child would suffocate to death if we had crib bumpers. On the plus side, that saved us a bunch of money 🙂
I have to tell about the large giraffe in the crib. That was actually a wedding present. When Keith & I got engaged, I was living in Ohio and working at a crisis pregnancy center. The girls saw this and thought it was adorable. Since every woman who worked there either got married or got pregnant within a year of starting their jobs there, the girls assumed I’d get pregnant quickly. Little did they know it would be almost 7 years before we had children. When we picked out our  nursery theme, I had all but forgotten about the giraffe. But now it will rest proudly in Scooter’s room.
So…there you have it!

7 thoughts on “Nursery

  1. I love it!!! Great job mommy! Good call on the crib set, although I personally never worried about Aliya and bumpers (we used them) but the comforter/bedspread thingy was a complete waste! We actually got our set off of ebay, some woman made them in her home, we got a great deal! I love clist!! I go on it all the time, even if I don't need anything!! I'm praying for you daily!!


  2. The nursery is beautiful! I can just picture you in that rocking chair, rocking your tiny baby…and then tiny baby sleeping soundly in the bed.

    Oh I really can't wait!!



  3. Nice looking nursery. Really like the dressers, great job refinishing them.
    We use a breathable bumper mainly to help hold the paci in. But it's a mesh bumper instead of the huge fluffy ones. Babies R Us and Target have them if you find you want one. Our little one always liked to stick a leg out of the crib until we put it on which was well after she was rolling over and over on her own.

    Hoping you get that call very soon. Enjoy all your lasts.


  4. Hi – I've just come across your blog (and I think you've seen mine), and wow, you are so close to having your little one with you! Good luck. The nursery looks adorable.


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